Map of South-Eastern Europe

Film Profile

Dead man walking

Povratak mrtvog Čovjeka / Dead man walking

In September 2004, Himzo Muratovic returned from the dead. His village was burned to the ground in 1992 by Serb paramilitaries. Thousands of people in the area were declared missing. Human remains are still being unearthed from mass graves all over the country. Just before the killers entered his village, our hero disappeared through the woods. He was never heard of again. When the village erected a monument to the victims killed in the war, they included Himzo’s name on the list. His grieving brother named his first-born son Himzo, so that the war-victim’s name would not be forgotten. Then all of the sudden - Himzo returns alive and healthy. His name was erased from the monument. After the initial rejoicing, people from the village started asking questions. Where had he been? How did he survive? Was he captured and tortured? And the most urgent question of all: why won’t he talk about it?

Source: Sarajevo Film Festival 2007;

Croatia 2006
85 min, colour

Petar Orešković

Petar Orešković

Mak Vejzović

Ana Marija Sremac 

Tomislav Gusčić

Siniša Juričić

Nukleus, Zagreb

Nukleus, Zagreb

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